Building materials, house clearances and more

Just a reminder for you this time that we stock a wide range of building materials, British Gypsum Multi finish plaster (with long use by dates), Scrim, PVA, Plaster Beads, Chipboard, CLS, Plywood, skirting boards…I could go on, so if in doubt give us a ring on  0545 30 72 04.

If you’re moving house you may be interested to know we quote for complete contents clearance, so you can carry on using things and know it’s all sold. This also means we often have things you may not expect to see here at the Reclamation Yard from chairs to oars, oxcart jacks to maps and quite a lot in between.

Sometimes the house clearances offer up an insight to peoples lives and we recently came into these wonderful catalogues and guides for furniture makers. The Nouveau Journal De Menuiserie is dated Novmeber 1931 and the Duco catalogue came with the letter send out with it in 1954. The handwritten journal is a work of art and you don’t see writing that that very often.